We're so glad you're here!
Give a Gift That Gives Back This Holiday Season
With help from generous people like you -- our Good Cookies -- we fund research that helps develop new, improved, and less toxic treatments for pediatric cancer — the #1 disease killer of children in the U.S.
You can support by purchasing our cookies, a great gift that gives back.
Opening Doors (2017)
Our Gifts... Give Back
Our cookies are baked fresh-to-order and direct 100% of the profits towards funding pediatric cancer research making them the gift that feels as good to give as it does to receive!
Our cookies use only the finest ingredients with no preservatives and are baked by a family-owned bakery in Northern California with 30 years of cookie making experience.
Each order is packed with care and great for anyone from individuals to corporations looking for a meaningful gift that gives back.
What Makes Us Different?
Our grant-making process is what sets us apart.
We fund early research that has the strongest science behind it and the best chance of getting from a research lab to a child’s bedside in the shortest timeframe possible. We think of ourselves like venture capitalists providing critical early funding to prove out a scientific theory.
How do we do this? With an all-star medical advisory board made up of top researchers from the leading centers across the country who guide the grant process. Grant requests are sent directly to the medical advisory board which thoroughly reviews and evaluates each grant request.