It All Started with 96,000 Cookies
When 2-year-old Liam Witt was diagnosed with childhood cancer in 2007, his parents Gretchen & Larry were shocked to learn about the lack of effective treatments for pediatric cancers due to insufficient funding. They were even more shocked to learn that cancer is the #1 disease killer of children in the U.S. and that 2/3 of kids who go through cancer treatments have long-term debilitating side effects. Those statistics just weren’t acceptable. They pledged to support the funding of research for new, improved and most importantly less toxic treatments for kids battling all types of pediatric cancers. With the help of 250 volunteers, Liam’s parents undertook a massive bake-a-thon where they baked and sold 96,000 cookies to raise money for research.
That project raised more than $420,000 and — equally important — raised awareness with people asking how they could help. What the Witts thought was a one-time project became the genesis of Cookies for Kids’ Cancer which inspires people to Be Good Cookies and get involved by raising money for research for the cancers specific to children. Today there have been 18,000+ grassroots fundraising events in all 50 states and $23 million granted to the leading pediatric cancer research centers across the country.
Inspired to get involved...
Our Mission
Cookies for Kids’ Cancer is a national 501(c)3 non-profit and is committed to raising funds for research to develop new, improved, and less toxic treatments for pediatric cancer — the #1 disease killer of children in the U.S.
Our Vision
No family is ever told “we have run out of options.”
What makes us different?
Unique Funding Model
Our grant-making process is objective, with checks and balances in place to ensure that we are funding the most promising science that will move from a research lab to a child’s bedside in the shortest period of time possible. How do we do this? Through our all-star medical advisory board, that consists of pediatric cancer scientists from the leading childhood cancer research hospitals across the country. These researchers meet to review and evaluate each grant request using the same criteria as the National Cancer Institute. In addition, the medical advisory board members must recuse themselves when their institution is being considered in order to ensure objectivity. Finally, no Cookies for Kids’ Cancer employee or board member is present during these discussions. We truly want to fund the best and most promising research that will help children as soon as possible.
Gifts that Give Back
Every gourmet cookie box purchased supports research at the nation’s leading pediatric cancer centers. Our cookies are baked fresh to order and delivered in a gift box with a note explaining the significance of each gift. Most importantly, 100% of the profits from our cookie sales are donated to childhood cancer research. What could be sweeter?
Meaningful Engagement Opportunities
We inspire supporters of all ages to get involved and make a difference in the fight against pediatric cancer. There is not one right way: Host a bake sale, run a race, hold a poker tournament, organize an employee bake-a-thon or dress down day. It doesn’t matter what you do — just Be a Good Cookie.