Team Good Cookie
Ready to get moving and give hope? Come join #TeamGoodCookie and raise money for new, improved and less toxic treatments for kids fighting cancer.
There are Two Ways to Join #TeamGoodCookie
Option 1: We Provide The Race Slot For You
1. Choose your race– we have our available races listed below.
2. Fill out the application form and we'll send you everything you need for the race. PLUS you'll get access to one-on-one fundraising support and Team Good Cookie informational meetings.
Option 2: BYOB (Bring Your Own Bib)
1. Register for a race on your own– you choose the race, you pay the registration fee.
2. Join Team Good Cookie, set your goal, and get one-on-one support, exclusive #TeamGoodCookie merch, and the chance to win prizes from fundraising initiatives!