What You Need To Know About Childhood Cancer
In the next 2 minutes somewhere in the world, a family will be told, “Your child has cancer.”
The Current State of Childhood Cancer:
The number 1 disease killer of children in the U.S.
1 in 257
Kids in the U.S. will be diagnosed by the time they are 20.
Every day, 47 kids are diagnosed with cancer in the U.S.
The number of kids in the U.S. actively receiving treatment.
Percent of the National Cancer Institute’s budget towards kids’ cancer.
How many minutes a child is diagnosed worldwide.
Average age a child is diagnosed.
Childhood cancer survivors are twice as likely to suffer chronic health conditions.
New cases of cancer affecting children worldwide annually. That’s over 1,000 new kids affected every day.
Childhood Cancer Is Not A Singular Disease
There are more than a dozen major types of childhood cancers, and each is as unique as the child fighting it. Pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children in the U.S. Two thirds of childhood cancer survivors suffer long-term side effects — a result of the treatments that “cured” them. We are committed to funding research for new and improved and *less toxic* treatment options for kids. Here are some of the long term side effects that kids battle:
Secondary Cancers
Heart Disease
Organ Failure
Kidney Disease
Physical Disabilities
Nerve Damage