Partner Spotlight: Royal Bank of Canada

Partner Spotlight: Royal Bank of Canada

In the month of July, we would like to give a special shout out to the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) for making Cookies for Kids’ Cancer one of the 2021 RBC Charity Day for the Kids event beneficiaries. They have been one of our most consistent corporate supporters, donating over $600,000 to pediatric cancer research since 2017. 

This RBC event, previously known as the RBC Trade for the Kids event, launched in 2015 and has uplifted many youth-focused charities by promoting their stories, which can now be virtually shared all over the globe. Their goal is to make “a positive and measurable impact on the communities in which [they] live and work,” and RBC is doing just that by supporting Cookies for Kids’ Cancer. 

In addition to helping Cookies through corporate donations, RBC has been very hands-on with their support; from hosting their own bake sales and, notably, baking 10,000 cookies to help our cause. 

For more information on the 2021 RBC Charity Day for the Kids, visit their website page here.

You don’t have to bake 10,000 cookies or raise thousands of dollars to help out! There are many ways to help our cause; as our Founder and Executive Director of Cookies for Kids’ Cancer Gretchen Witt says, “our corporate partners are a critical part of our mission. Partners like RBC that support with donations and also get their employees involved truly understand the value of being Good Cookies. They get that doing is part of giving." If you are a business that would love to get involved or know more, you can do so by visiting this link.

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