Creative Fundraising Ideas for Childhood Cancer Awareness

Creative Fundraising Ideas for Childhood Cancer Awareness

Cookies for Kids' Cancer may have started with, yes, 96,000 cookies, but it has grown way beyond. We support almost any idea inspired by your passions and desire to help. From bake sales and birthdays, to service projects or athletic events, we’re here to help in whatever way inspires you. Whatever moves you to make an impact.

We were built on bake sales but there are so many fun ways to help make a difference in the fight against pediatric cancer. That's why we call it a FUNraiser! Here are just SOME ways supporters have gotten creative to help fund childhood cancer research

Crazy Hat Day

Plan a day students and teachers can wear their craziest hat to school. Get one school involved or organize a district wide event.

When everyone arrives at school, participants will check-in at a table, where they donate their entry fee (we recommend $1 or at most, $2). Have a QR Code available at your table that links to your giving page. When you register your event we can provide that to you. If parents want to give more, they can do so in this way as well. The check-in table volunteers should also be the judges, so they can check-out the hats. Multiple categories = Multiple winners ...such as, most creative, biggest hat, best home-made hat or funniest hat.

Winners receive a prize (perhaps a box of our cookies that give back to research) or a printed award. Announce the winner(s) at a future assembly to let kids know how much they raised or over the loudspeaker at the end of the day.

Superhero Day

This one's fun for pre-schoolers but can also work great in middle school. Students can dress as their favorite superhero for a day for a small donation or get sponsored by a family member for, maybe doing a chore around the house or a good deed.

Just like crazy hat day, kids and teachers can check in at school and leave their donation in a special jar or with a volunteer. 

At P.E. time or play time gather your superheroes together for fun challenges like races, jumping jacks, etc. 

At the end of the day, let your superheroes know what they raised to help other kids. Have a Superstar Superhero Certificate (click to see example, sign in required to print) ready to hand out so the children can bring home the day's accomplishment to share with family!

Gold Bow Day

Crafty Good Cookies unite! This one's for you and a great way to get the whole community involved. Perfect for September's Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month or just to show up in support of a child who may be battling cancer in your town.

Gold is the official awareness ribbon color for pediatric cancer, so GO GOLD, for this bow making project. Maybe an art store nearby would love to donate some ribbon or offer a discount to you in support of your project. Doesn't hurt to ask! 

Plan ahead for a time that neighbors and businesses will commit to display their ribbons. And ask them for a donation of any amount in exchange for you making, delivering and even helping to display their ribbon. We recommend starting a fundraiser page with us and asking people to donate directly. 

Set a crafting day with friends and family and MAKE SOME BOWS! When you are finished, deliver and display. Ask participants to provide their email so you can let them know how much you raised together for pediatric cancer research!

Dodgeball Tournament

This one's fun for older kids and even adults - Get into the competitive spirit! Host a dodgeball tournament (ps. insert favorite fun sporting tournament here).

(1) Pick a Venue: get a local gym / school to donate the space; (2) Settle on the Rules: making sure participants are clear on the guidelines; (3) Recruit Volunteer Staff: referees, score keepers, and yes, an MC and maybe even a DJ!; (4) Host the Event and Award the Winner: make sure everyone is enjoying themselves, stays hydrated (beverage sponsor?) and has a blast!

Two great ways to raise funds at your event. Make sure you register your giving page.

  • Fundraise to participate: Ask each team to raise a donation based entry amount to participate.
  • Registration fee: Charge a donation based registration fee per participant or per team.

Principal for a Day

Student leadership opportunity! Kids love to be the boss, even if it's just for a day, or a whole week. With a big job comes big responsibility. Have kids brainstorm a reason why they should be chosen as Principal for a Day. Let them know that as Principal, that means supporting kids in more ways than one. Have a writing contest asking interested kids why they should be chosen for the top spot. Let them know that one of the goals to reach will be fundraising for kids facing a cancer diagnosis. It's not the amount they choose as their's setting a goal and reaching it and showing how they accomplished it. Kids can brainstorm ways to fundraise, perhaps by asking fellow classmates to participate, getting family and friends involved or even by asking local businesses to get involved. It's all about planning and executing and helping other kids. Kids helping kids is at the heart of who we are. Maybe there's more than one leader interested and up for the job, rotate the 'Junior Principals' in. There's room for everyone at the top!

Free Cone Day

This one's as easy as getting your favorite local ice cream shop to agree to it. Maybe it's a day, maybe it's a few hours within a day. Agree on what the offering will be...a kiddie cone with a choice of vanilla or chocolate? Then when you do...tell everyone you know when 'Free Cone Day' will be. Send an e-blast, post on social media, tell a friend to tell a friend. Decorate the shop, with a banner and donation jars throughout. Stand outside and encourage people to come in. Donations aren't mandatory, just suggested. Have fun and spread awareness on how everyone can get involved. Let your community know, you are FUNraising for Cookies for Kids' Cancer. Need brochures or help with decor? Need a QR code to display for donations directly to your fundraising page? We've got you covered! And when free cone day is over, make sure to frequent that business. Supporting businesses that give back is where it's at!



Another creative way to get involved? The Good Cookie Challenge runs through August 31st. Set a mile goal of a total of 47 miles this summer and commit to walk, run, swim, bike, etc. Ask friends, family, and coworkers to support you and our mission by pledging a donation per mile. As frequently as you would like, check-in, log your miles and watch your fundraising dollars increase! Ready to ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE?

** Have a great idea to FUNraise that's not mentioned here? Let us know, in the comments below! **


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